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Tether BlackBerry Bold 9700 in Linux

I use Ubuntu on an iBook G4. I don't know much about X and GUI's in linux so I use the command line a lot! These are ways to tether.


For this you can use either barry which is a C++ suite for tether and sync/backup stuff, or berry4all (aka bbtether) which is a python script package that does just tethering.

Well, I didn't like the dependency on python because I wanted to include this on my router so I could share my 3G. So here is my kinda rewrite: bb dot c

Simply compile it like so:

gcc -o bb bb.c -lusb

It only requires libusb-0.1. Then run it, and it'll tell you where the “modem” can be found. Then use that long pppd string example in the Bluetooth section but change /dev/rfcomm0 to /dev/pts/1 (or wherever it ends up).


This is one way to find your bluetooth address

sdptool search DUN

Then bind it to a device

rfcomm bind rfcomm0 <bluetooth address>

Then run pppd on it. Below is my example, wow ;)

pppd \
	/dev/rfcomm0 local 460800 \
	user guest \
	password guest \
	connect "chat '' ATZ OK 'AT+CGDCONT=1,\"IP\",\"\"' OK ATDT*99# CONNECT ''" \
	defaultroute replacedefaultroute noipdefault usepeerdns \
	updetach noipdefault \
	novj nodeflate noaccomp nobsdcomp noccp nopcomp \
	noproxyarp ipcp-max-failure 1000 persist
blackberry.1273848484.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/11/04 22:29 (external edit)

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