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wrtu54g-tm:uboot [2011/04/04 14:13] neutronscottwrtu54g-tm:uboot [2023/11/04 22:30] (current) – external edit
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 The WRT54G and like Broadcom devices seem to allow a boot_wait option where we can fix any broken flash remotely by TFTP without opening the router. Currently our only solution is opening the device and installing a serial connection, with use of a TTL RS232 converter.  This isn't within the ability of many end-users. The WRT54G and like Broadcom devices seem to allow a boot_wait option where we can fix any broken flash remotely by TFTP without opening the router. Currently our only solution is opening the device and installing a serial connection, with use of a TTL RS232 converter.  This isn't within the ability of many end-users.
-An easier solution to the serial add-on is to acquire a USB-Serial converter such as that built into a typical e-bay Nokia CA-42 clone cable and use that to do the level conversion. You will need to hook up TX, RX and GND - see [[wrtu54g-tm:info|Overview]].+An easier solution to the serial add-on is to acquire a USB-Serial converter such as that built into a typical e-bay Nokia CA-42 clone cable and use that to do the level conversion. You will need to hook up TX, RX and GND - see [[wrtu54g-tm:info#serial_port|Serial Port]].
 U-boot has no TFTP server. It only has a client. U-Boot maintainers like it this way and see no point in a server. Well, they're mostly right. Anything could be done using scripting of environment variables and starting a TFTP client. So let's see if we can somewhat mimic other routers with what we have... U-boot has no TFTP server. It only has a client. U-Boot maintainers like it this way and see no point in a server. Well, they're mostly right. Anything could be done using scripting of environment variables and starting a TFTP client. So let's see if we can somewhat mimic other routers with what we have...
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 If you're just looking to replace the firmware that is on the device and did create the necessary serial port connections, you don't need to read all the ramblings below. \\ If you're just looking to replace the firmware that is on the device and did create the necessary serial port connections, you don't need to read all the ramblings below. \\
-You can set the PC to IP, place the firmware in the TFTPD root directory with the name **vmlinuz-8668** and simply type **run upgrade_kernel** at the ADM8668 prompt.+You can set the PC to IP, place the firmware in the TFTPD root directory with the name **vmlinuz-8668** and simply type **run update_kernel** at the ADM8668 prompt.
 ===== Figuring it out ===== ===== Figuring it out =====
wrtu54g-tm/uboot.1301926429.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/11/04 22:29 (external edit)

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