This page was a mess of nonsense. Let's get to the real deal. What needs fixed.
If anyone cares to help, request features, donate, or just shoot the shit, email me: neutronscott at scottn … I also accept friend requests on facebook or twitter, same username. I'm so lonely :\
I got stuck on a tangent of getting u-boot replaced so that hopefully if you are following each build, and burn a broke image, the bootloader will be accessible without a serial cable. netconsole was giving me problems due to errors in network code (seen by first 2 TFTP transmits timeout, you notice that?). once i fixed that, netconsole shows everything twice… so i'm ported the latest u-boot 2010.09 release. still everything twice. turns out the network card driver wasn't MIPS-friendly. fixed that too. hah. why spending so much time on something thats purpose is served in 3seconds… shrug. i'm learning a lot about MIPS 4K specific code :D it works, but the image is huge. old u-boot came with a bzip2 loader. but without even touching that, i see a bzip of the binary is still just over 64k. i will use lzma-loader from openwrt. :)
I'd probably recommend this build since wireless and usb (somewhat) work.
Somewhat in order: